瑞典的于努先生,英文名字为Uno Blom,个头高1米85,今年已是70岁了,英语还行,母语为瑞典语,现为山特维克模切部总经理,中国区山特维克模切部地点位于中国青岛,按常理,外国人65岁就要退休了,于努先生也想于今年退休,然后返回他的祖国——瑞典,开一家经营茶叶的门店,以茶会友,安享晚年,于是,不避辛苦,不远万里,来到了武夷山,到武夷岩茶的原产地考察岩茶。很早于努先生就知道武夷岩茶中的大红袍、铁罗汉、水金龟等,他是在台湾出版的茶书中看到武夷岩茶的相关资料,此行目的是能亲眼看看武夷山的茶山、茶园及采摘、制作岩茶的过程。
4月29日下午1点,在机场我举着Uno Blom的字样接到于努先生,当天天气好,不畏旅途辛苦,2点多我就带着于努先生到茶园看采茶过程。





Ni hao my friend Mao Xing,
This is to thank you for treating me as a king during my visit to WuYiShan. You surely understand that my overall hobby is Chinese tea and although I learned a lot and certainly I know more than the average person including the Chinese person, I fully understand that I have much more to learn about WuLong Cha and DaHongPao Cha, so I am anxious to come back. Both of us understand that there will be a year until my next visit will be possible.
I send you a picture to prove that I was close to the real DaHongPao bushes that you picked the leaves from May 3rd 2005.
I hope that wether is nice so you can have a good harvest and good tea so your profit will be good.
Best regards and we stay in contact. Also regards to your charming wife Zhong Jiao and your talent boy.
Your friend Uno
